Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hi Saboteurs!

Choose a saboteur, organization, or cell using the prompt below.  First come first served!

Dr. Rozelle

Cultural Study (1000 words + various media): Students will use the website storyful.com to design a cultural analysis of some group, agent, or issue relevant to the course.  You should start on this project early in the semester to compile your analysis, to include such things as audio tweets, videos, footage, and digital images.  To get a better understanding of what cultural study means, take a look at this entry in the Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism: http://ezproxy.montevallo.edu:2422/cgi-bin/view.cgi?eid=65.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Luddites, Saboteurs, Monkeywrenchers, Weathermen, Provocateurs, and Double Agents are enigmatic and elusive targets for the literary critic.  This course will track the literary saboteur, identifying textual evidence to apprehend the logic of material and semiotic direct action. 

ENG 413/513 students, please use this blog to claim your critical articles for the class!